JCS Consulting Services Ltd

Specialized in the electro-electronic and photovoltaic solar segments

Operations Management

Assistance in the management of industrial, commercial and service operations.

Improvement of manufacturing, supply chain, fiscal, tax and logistics areas.

Market Analysis

Market analysis and competitiveness studies.

Market reports for the main components of photovoltaic systems.

Tax Exemption

Consultancy on tax improvement strategies and commercial defense.

Elaboration of claims for concession, renewal, contestation and revocation in ex-tariff regime.

Supplier development

Development of suppliers in Brazil and abroad.

Advice on industrialization processes and product development under an OEM regime.

Analysis of Make vs Buy models in private label products.

Inmetro, Finame and Padis

Accreditation and registration of objects in Inmetro.

Accreditation of suppliers and products at BNDES-Finame.

Adequacy of products to the new PPB / PADIS and incentive policies.

Competitive analyzes of national production in the new regime.

Due Diligence of projects

Conducting due diligence processes for the solar segment, to support technical risk assessment processes for renewable energy projects.

Independent assessments for final project review by developers, owners and investors.

Contact us to find out more about our services
